
Gradient Rainbows

This month’s spinning challenge is all about color. And math. The colors did not blend completely as I anticipated. The red is bit on the cool side and the blue has quite a bit of green in it so it tends to get muddy in places. Blending was also not as thorough as it could have been…


Tweedy Sea Glass

  The Details 2.5oz of Romney, Gotland, & SoffSilk 8wpi/Aran Weight approx 80yds This skein seemed to just magically appear – I started spinning the rollags on a Friday night and was soaking the skein to set the twist Sunday evening. After the concentration of n00b some easy, brainless spinning and plying was in order….


Sea Glass

Rollags made on my Fancy Kitty Blending Pallette – Romney washed and dyed by me, Gotland washed and kept in natural tones, and Soffsilk from Camaj Fiber Arts.