For the first time all year I have no weekly skein – it’s been a rough week with sick kids, 4th birthday party prep for Little Buddy, and a really bad case of the winter blahs. I just haven’t had the motivation or  chance to sit down at my wheel. However, I just got an email that totally made my week. Look at the fibery goodness that is coming my way!!!!!*

Fleece on the skirting table




Staple length

I reserved a CVM fleece from Wolf Creek Farm last fall and pretty much forgot about it until a month or so ago. I placed my reservation partly on whim, partly because I want to support independent farmers who are raising endangered breeds, and partly because Saralyn looks like a total badass.

Bitch, I will cut you.

Bitch, please.

Now if it would just warm up enough for me to dry some newly scoured and dyed fleece outside…..

*We’re on a super-austerity budget (it’s a good thing, really) at the moment and it’s been a while since I had a fiber hit, so this is REALLY exciting.