
Barbie Girl

The Details 2.75oz of Blue Faced Leicester, Banana Silk, Border Leceister, Costwold, Merino, & a shit ton of vm 7wpi/Bulky Weight approx 60yds This yarn languished for what feels like forever on my wheel. I really wanted to love it because I felt so good about buying it from a local artist at a wine…


Iris Spargle

  The Details 4oz of BFL & Firestar from Frabjous Fibers 12wpi/Sport Weight approx 230yds One of my go-to shows to rewatch/listen to while spinning or doing fiber prep is Futurama. Because, at heart, I’m 12. So when I was digging through my stash last week (after a beer or 3) and saw this label I immediately…


Clown Car Massacre

The Details 5.75oz. of Border Leceister locks Core of Knit Picks Felici, Plied with some random rayonish weaving thread 3wpi/Super Bulky Weight approx 40yds I have absolutely no clue what I will use this yarn for, or even if it will ever get used, but damn, was it ever fun to make! It all started as an…