CVM, Romney, BFL,  Dorset, & Huacaya  in ALL THE COLORS

CVM, Romney, BFL, Dorset, & Huacaya in ALL THE COLORS

I’ve been neglecting this site for a while. Life in general has been a bit trying, the whole work/family/self is out of balance and kicking my ass at the moment. Needless to say, my spinning mojo is pretty much nonexistent. I have been trying to fit in a bit of dyeing and fiber prep time every few days though, the tactile work does wonders in calming me down and keeping bitchy Sara momentarily at bay (not to mention that it’s cheaper and healthier than the alcoholic alternatives.)

The cats seem to enjoy it too; wool is warm and comfy to nap on.

Hopefully I’m back to normal soon. I’ve also been doing all of this as prep work for my combo Mother’s Day/Birthday present – which will be ordered very very soon(!!!!!) – and should do a great deal to inspire some more spinning.