
Fiber Therapy

The Details 5.6oz of Soffsilk, Tussah, Sari Silk, and other random wool 7wpi/Bulky Weight approx 144yds Parenting has been hard for the past few months. Really, really hard. Little Buddy and Boogers are 4 & 1, and as I’m learning, raising little boys is like raising big dogs – if you don’t give them enough exercise it’s…


The Blue AND Green Scarf with YARN

Little Buddy had a very specific request for a scarf last week. As the mother of an almost 4yr old I know the drill – if a preschooler asks for something once, but only once, it was just an impulse request and they’ll have forgotten about it before the sound waves have reached your eardrum….


Wild Kratts!

Little Buddy decided that he and Booger McFartyPants needed some creature power suits for Halloween this year. I will admit – making boy costumes is way more fun than I thought it was! Fleece jackets – patterned and made by me. Creature Power Suits – patterned and made by me – Felt base with glow…